Tips for boosting staff engagement/happiness

A good way to boost your staff’s engagement or happiness at work is to get an understanding of how your staff feel about their jobs by asking some simple questions, for example, “would you recommend working here to your friends and family? Why or why not? Do you feel valued as an employee?” The responses will give you an indication of the area’s that may need improvement.

Listen to your employees, talk about their issues and make adjustments to address them. Ask them about ideas and suggestions to improve the company.

Be creative when trying to engage your staff. Team building activities promote closeness with employees and can be fun and drive results at the same time. By encouraging employees to work together and help each other you get a closer, more cohesive team.

Recognize the signs of low morale, these include:

  • A rise in absenteeism
  • Customer service complaints
  • Increased conflict between staff members

It can be beneficial to do an exit interview with people leaving the company, they tend to be more honest than those who are still on the job.

To be happy at work most employees benefit from feeling as if they have a meaningful role within the company.

Give staff a clear explanation as to why their job responsibilities are important to the team.
It is also not productive to have your employees stressed from having to large a workload.

Reward staff who work hard and behave ethically at work. These do not need to be financial or material rewards, simple acknowledgement of a job well done can go a long way towards job satisfaction. One of the most neglected acts done by bosses or business owners is the failure to acknowledge the job well done by employees. Positive feedback can motivate staff and make them feel like a valuable member of the company.

Do not tolerate any gossiping, bullying or politics within the workplace .Encourage everyone to support each other and by doing that support the team.

Provide a space where people want to work. Staff will feel more eager to come to work if their work environment is clean and comfortable and provides all the tools they need to do their job efficiently.

Happy workers make a happy workplace. By boosting your workers morale and keeping them loyal to the company you will enjoy increased productivity and profits for years to come.