Tips for Hiring

Choosing the right people for your organisation is vital to building and developing a successful business. People provide the framework for any thriving company.

Here are some tips for hiring the best candidates for your business and keeping the employees you already have.

  • Be present and engaged in the hiring process, be there during candidate interviews and communicate with HR. 
  • Build a culture within your organisation. Have a clear vision of what you want the culture of your organisation to be like and this will help you to build a team to fit it. Once you have decided on your company‚Äôs values and culture make it known to all potential applicants. Include these values on your website.
  • Utilise social media. Recruiting via social media is more popular than ever. Include links on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to your career page on your website.
  • Recruit Continuously. Always be on the lookout for potential employees, even when there are no openings. You can never tell when an employee might leave.
  • Know what you‚Äôre looking for in an employee. Have an understanding of the skills and traits that will make an applicant successful in the role and write a job description accordingly.
  • Interview a broad range of candidates. You may not know the right person for the job until they are sitting in front of you.
  • Develop your staff to their full potential. Provide training and opportunities for advancement. Train all new employees in job requirements on hiring instead of a few months down the track to prevent them from forming bad habits.
  • Conduct exit interviews. A good way to ensure that you keep your current talent is to find out the reasons why another employee is leaving. An employee who is leaving is often more forthcoming than one who is currently still employed with you.
  • Ask the right questions. The job interview is a major factor in hiring the right employee. The questions asked during the interview are critical in defining whether or not the candidate is right for the job.
  • Don’t Settle. It‚Äôs tempting to settle for the best of the bunch, but if the best pick of all your candidates still doesn‚Äôt feel right keep looking.
  • Offer a three month trial period .It‚Äôs expensive hiring new staff but it‚Äôs even more so to replace them. Having someone work for you on a short contract is a good way to see if they are the right fit for your organisation.