Chances are one of your staff has a mental health problem. Do you know what to do?

According to an article published by SANE Australia in January 2017, mental illness is a leading cause of long-term workplace absenteeism in Australia. A Beyond Blue report found 1 in 5 Australians have taken time off work in the past 12 months to manage mental health disorders and substance misuse issues.

Mental health conditions can be pre-existing or caused by the workplace environment or the role itself. Yet even large organisations struggle to effectively handle employees suffering with mental health problems.

In a recent case, the Fair Work Commission stated:

“Mental health issues are difficult matters which need to be treated with considerable care and compassion. In particular, mental health issues should not be artificially elevated as barriers to continued employment.”

Due process must be followed

Above all else, employees must receive fair and due process – regardless of whether it is a physical or a mental health issue.

The team at End2End Business Solutions are experienced in helping business owners manage staff with mental health problems. If one of your staff members is taking a lot of time off work or demonstrating difficult behaviour, contact us for help and advice on 02 8977 4002.