The workplace moaner – Do you want to run and hide when you see them coming?

Do you have a team member who loves to complain? If you do, it’s likely there have been times when you’ve been tempted to invent an urgent phone call or rushed to a non-existent meeting just to escape them.

But if you don’t tackle this problem head-on, this negativity could tear through your entire team, seriously affecting the morale and productivity of your business as the moaner inflects their attitude onto others.

It’s important to acknowledge, this pessimistic attitude usually stems from the team member feeling stuck or powerless to change their situation. That’s why they come to you.

So what can you do to turn this around?

It’s vital you don’t buy into their negativity, so avoid disagreeing with them. Instead, try to refocus their thinking. Here’s our suggested approach next time s/he comes to you with a complaint.

Step 1:  Take control of the meeting

Tactfully intervene and command the conversation. Ask them to be specific and avoid using broad, sweeping generalisations.

Step 2:  Listen for main points

Show them you are providing a platform. Record what they say as this will help the team member feel heard and validated.  Let them know you are there to support them.

Step 3:  Shift the focus to solutions

Ask your team member to describe their desired outcome. If they aren’t able to answer, keep pressing. If their answer is unreasonable, that’s when you send them back to the drawing board.

Step 4:  Ask them for the first step

Once they’ve offered a reasonable solution, help them to identify the first step in achieving that solution.

Step 5:  Involve them in the solution

If the problem falls within the team member’s responsibility, encourage them to come back with a course of action within a specified time frame.

Step 6:  Draw the line

If you’re not able to reach an outcome, you need to remain firm and remind them that you’re only interested in solutions, not complaints. Now is the time to let your employee know they need to find a more constructive way to communicate their problems to avoid more serious actions being taken.

If you are struggling to manage an employee whose behaviour is having a negative impact on your business, call the team at End2End Business Solutions on 02 8977 4002.