Work-life balance – Is it a myth?

Permanent full-time or part-time employment is becoming harder to find in the current Australian workforce. Now terms such as zero-hour (casual work usually available at short notice) and gig work (short-term, temporary employment) are becoming commonplace.

This trend is creating a philosophy of “work now while you can”. It’s understandable and acceptable until we have people working multiple jobs and extraordinary hours just in case there is no work next week or next month. When workers have little time to relax, burnout becomes a significant productivity and health problem. It also means the concept of work-life balance is in jeopardy.

According to both Australian and international research, these new work patterns are making it difficult for workers to pursue further education, fulfil obligations outside of work (such as caring for elderly parents) and participate in religious or community activities that provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Are your policies favouring parents and ignoring the rest?

In Australia, there are many protections for parents – especially those with young children.  Working from home, staggered start and/or finish times, on-site childcare facilities, parental leave etc. have all been put in place to assist parents. But what does this mean for the rest of the team?

According to Julia Richardson, Associate Professor at Curtin Business School, organisations need to take a critical view of their policies and internal culture to ensure it is fair and flexible for everyone. She believes desirable employers consider the work-life balance needs of their teams. To do this, Richardson encourages employers to consider:

1. The Demographics Of The Team

For example, are there any singles or child-free workers who may need or want to care for other family members or pursue other activities? If so, do your workplace policies support them?

    2. The Employment Status Of Your Workers

Are they at risk of burn-out because they are working at multiple jobs throughout the week or struggling to accommodate other responsibilities?

A Fair Workplace = A Desirable Workplace

Attracting and keeping productive, engaged and enthusiastic workers is fundamental to on-going business success. That means you need to be conscious of any disparity between employee groups.

As your outsourced HR department, the team at End2End Business Solutions can help you take care of your people to ensure they are happy and performing at their peak. To discuss your staffing problems, call 02 8977 4002.